Something to Smile About... - Mashuk Ahmed Photography

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Something to Smile About...

Something to Smile About...

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You know when someone you love is in a sad, heart-wrenching place, and you just want to fast forward life to get them to happiness?
That’s how I felt about my little sister three years ago. She was going through a divorce and was so upset, and scared, and anxious about so many things. Every time we spoke, her voice was soft and sad, and I knew she was struggling to talk or think about anything else.
We prayed and prayed for her to get through that crazy, difficult time and find something to make her smile again.
Last summer, we celebrated her baby boy’s first birthday at the beach with our whole family. She didn’t stop smiling the whole weekend. It was beautiful. Her new love and her new little man have brought my little sister back to life.
This awesome addition to our family brings the total to SEVEN grandsons. Yep, both my sisters and I have all boys, with no girls on the horizon as I’m pretty sure we’re all done adding to our families. It’s become a really neat thing actually, to see all our boys interacting and bonding over the years. We have our own “Magnificent Seven.”
Our long weekend at the beach was another chance to hang out together, and this time baby Taylor got to play with all his cousins! They all ADORE him and were constantly vying for his attention. OK, I was right there with them. He’s pretty stinkin cute and I was longing for a baby on my hip, so…
It was also a chance for us to slow down, build sand castles, collect shells, and just relax (as much as you can with seven little boys). In fact, the only time any of us left the hotel property was for a guys’ fishing trip one day and a Publix run. And really, the hotel and beach were all we needed. The time together, with our toes in the sand, made everyone happy.
It was a sweet way to welcome summer, soak in some happiness, and celebrate having something to smile about again.
Love more (and relax a little),

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