Sky This Summer - Mashuk Ahmed Photography

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 Sky This Summer

Sky This Summer

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Mark your calendars: The biggest full moon of the summer, known as the Full Sturgeon Moon, will be out on August 10. Its name is thought to come from Native American fishing tribes, who could most easily catch the large fish during this time. As this full moon rises, it may appear to have a reddish hue.

Spot specific stars and constellations easily with a printed star chart or an app like The Night Sky; a few of the season's highlights include the Summer Triangle, a trio of stars directly above that are some of the brightest in the sky. Look for the constellation Scorpius, the scorpion, low in the southern sky with its reddish star, Antares, at its heart. On either side of Scorpius are zodiac constellations Sagittarius, shaped like a teapot, and Libra, which resembles a kite. You can also gaze to the north to see Cassiopeia and Hercules.

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